N. Ogilvie

Forename: Nigel
Surname: Ogilvie
Function Director
Organisation: Eaton Ford Consultants
Address: 2 Trafalgar Road,
Eaton Ford,
Cambridgeshire PE19 7NA
Phone / Fax: +44 1480 353 223
e-mail: nso@sabrina.demon.co.uk

  • Lessons learnt in the privatisation of British Rail

    Main Headings
    1. Introduction
    2. Why the Government Privatised British Rail
    3. Political Objectives
    4. Privatisation Process and Structure
    5. Railway Structure in Great Britain in 1995
    6. Successes and Difficulties
    7. Structural Weaknesses
    8. Some Failures
    9. Infrastructure Management by Contractors
    10. Railtrack’s Control of the Infrastructure
    11. Railtrack in Administration
    12. The Future
    13. Conclusion

  • Summary

  • Long Version